I began high school in 1962. The high school was in Snowflake and was called Snowflake Union High School or SUHS. It was made up of students from Snowflake, Showlow, Heber, Overgaard, Taylor, Pinedale and Clay Springs as well as students from all of the other smaller communities in the area like Linden, Burton and Shumway. I think the total student body was less than five hundred students.
One of the traditions for new high school students was a “Freshman Initiation” that was held a few days before school began in the fall. The seniors did the initiating and the freshmen were the victims. They had us whitewash the “S” on the side of the hill outside of Snowflake. If we did something wrong, they threw us in the cow tank at the bottom of the hill. It was mostly a lot of fun and a big water fight. At the end we all ate watermelon and everyone went home soaking wet. Terry was a senior when I was a freshman so my initiation wasn’t too bad. Some of his buddies sprayed me with the hose but that was about it.
I had become interested in agriculture and so I took Vocational Ag and became a part of the FFA (Future Farmers of America). I also took English, World Geography, Algebra, Seminary, Typing and PE (Physical Education). At that time, PE was a required subject. If you were in band you didn’t have to take PE. If you took Vo Ag it counted as your science class so you didn’t have to take biology. Everyone took English, some type of math and some type of social studies.
We rode the bus to and from high school. We caught the bus at about 7am and got home about 5PM. It took just about exactly one hour for the bus to make the trip although it is only thirty-five miles from Heber to Snowflake. By the time it made all the stops on the way and wound through Overgaard too, the ride took the full hour.
The class I enjoyed most as a freshman was Vocational Ag. We had an excellent teacher by the name of Mr. Angle and he taught us lots of neat things. He would also take us on field trips to visit farms and dairies. He didn’t put up with much guff and required a lot of work but he also taught us a lot.
I never did participate much in extra-curricular activities as a freshman. I rode the bus home and went to work at the store until it closed at six o’clock. I went to a few football and basketball games but they always had a dance (sock hop) after the games and I didn’t get home until almost midnight so I didn’t go to very many games. I didn’t dance much and it wasn’t much fun just sitting around waiting for the dance to get over. I was a pretty good student and got mostly one’s. At that time you got a grade of one, two, three or four in each class. A “one” was the highest grade and was equal to an “A” and so on. I enjoyed most of my classes in school. I made lots of friends in high school and became part of a group that was in Vo Ag and most of the other classes together and we sort of ran around together as a group all the way through high school.